Thursday, October 12, 2017

How can I protect my identity? Logout, Logout, Logout

How can I protect my identity? Logout, Logout, Logout

Yes, even from Gmail. We know how convenient it is to login to Gmail in the morning, or at the beginning of the week, and to tick the “Keep me logged in” or “Remember me” box.

The basic premise: you login once and then you don’t have to keep logging back in all the time.

The thing is, all this logged-in-forever convenience comes at the cost of reduced security.

This is especially true for our students on district or public computers. It is important that we teach our students to intentionally logout of the websites and computers used during class to ensure other students cannot access their work or post content under their ID. Closing browser tabs, windows and browsers does not guarantee an account is logged out. Let’s all work together to keep our students safe. Let’s teach every student to logout.

When stepping away, even for a moment, logout of every application, website and computer : Forgetting to logout poses a security risk with any computer that is accessible to other people (including computers in public facilities, libraries, offices, and shared at home), because it leaves your account open to abuse. Someone could sit down at that computer and continue working from your account, doing damage to your files, retrieving personal information, or using your account to perform malicious actions. To avoid misuse by others, remember to logout of every application, website or computer whenever you leave it.
‘Sign out’ or ‘Logout’ are usually located in the upper right corner of the screen.
How to Logout
Click ‘Logout’ in the upper right corner
Click your name in the upper right corner and select ‘Logout’
Google Apps
Click your account picture in the upper right corner and select ‘Sign out’
Click ‘Sign out’ in the upper right corner
Click your name in the upper right corner and select ‘Logout’
Discovery Ed Streaming
Click in the upper right corner and select ‘Logout’
Click ‘Logout’ in the upper right corner
Khan Academy
Click your username in the upper right corner and select ‘Logout’
Click your account picture in the upper right corner and select ‘Sign out’
Click ‘Logout’ in the top middle or screen
Typing Club
Click your username in the upper right corner and select ‘Logout’

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

October Technology Training Opportunities

Please sign up in Kalpa as seats are limited. 

TitleIntro to illuminateEd Scanning & Assessment
DateOctober 12
Time4- 6 PM
locationBalas ITD conference room
TrainerHeather Rottermond
Kalpa #826532
DescriptionIntroduction to illuminateEd Pretest Scanning and Assessments.
TitleGoogle Drive Intermediate
DateOctober 19
Time3:30 pm - 5 pm
locationBalas ITD conference room
TrainerJames Marcum
Kalpa #826541
DescriptionIn this session you will learn what it means to use cloud storage, specifically Google Drive. Gain a better understanding of how Google Drive is organized and how to have instant access to your data. Discuss the pros and cons of using Google Drive to backup your computer.
TitleExcel Basics
DateOctober 26
Time3:30 pm - 5 pm
locationBalas ITD conference room
TrainerJames Marcum
Kalpa #826547
DescriptionWe’ll explore how to leverage Excel to make life easier. Tips and tricks to manipulate data and make it jump off the page. We’ll sort, split cells, merge cells, use conditional formatting...the list goes on.

Monday, October 2, 2017

Chromebook login screen at elementary schools will change for Clever Badges

In October, the Chromebook login screen at elementary schools will change. This is to allow our youngest learners to use badges to get logged into these devices.  

  • Students in grades 4 - 12 will need to click Sign in with a different account and then enter their gmail credentials.
  • Students in grades K-3 will click Next and then use their badge.

How will K-3 students use Badges to login to Chromebooks?
  1. Students open their Chromebooks, click the blue Next button, and the camera activates.
  2. Students hold up the Badge to the camera.
  3. Students are automatically logged in to the Chromebook.

For directions on how to print an entire class set of badges, click here.