Wednesday, February 27, 2019

AAPS Wireless Networks

ITD is making a push to remove old legacy systems still in place. The wireless network AAPSWF is going away and will be turned off during spring break. We have been working toward this goal for a while now and most things should already be moved to the proper wireless network, but please verify that you are no longer connected to AAPSWF. Please do this on all devices that may be in your room as well.

How do I check my wireless network?

It is very easy to check which wireless network you are connected to. Simply click on the wifi symbol on the menu bar (upper right hand corner by the time). The network with the check mark is the one you are connected to.

What network should I be on?

There are few different options for wifi when you are at school. Here are the differences in the networks:

AAPS – This wireless should used by staff on district-owned devices. Log into this network with your Active Directory account. If you have a new teacher laptop, you should be connected to this network already.

AAPS-WIFI - Used for district-owned devices only. This is the replacement for the AAPSWF network. This network does not get used with personal devices.

AAPS-Guest - Students or staff using “Bring Your Own Technology” (BYOT) in class need to enter their Active Directory Login/Password and accept the Use Agreement to access this network
Macintosh HD:Users:hotaling:Desktop:Screen Shot 2015-09-11 at 2.11.09 PM.png

AAPS-Public - For visitors, parents and community members.
  • Users must provide their email address and accept the Use Agreement to access this network. The setup is similar to the screens you see when visiting a network at a hotel or coffee shop.
  • The email does not have to be an email address.
Macintosh HD:Users:hotaling:Desktop:Screen Shot 2015-09-11 at 2.12.11 PM.png

These networks will require students to re-authenticate to the network after a period of two hours.

What do I do if I’m connected to AAPSWF?

Please select a different network based on the definitions above. In general, if the device is a school-owned teacher laptop, you should connect to the AAPS network. If it’s a school owned student device or desktop that needs to be on wifi, it should be connected to AAPS-WIFI. If you can not get connected to the proper network, please put in a help ticket.