New Epson Projectors

New Epson Projectors + New Laptops:  A Few Notes

How do I connect a laptop to the new projector?
The new Epson projectors connect via a 15-foot gray HDMI cable with a “MiniDisplayPort” adapter...aka “Rocketfish” that plugs into your laptop.

 The cable and Rocketfish are assigned to your classroom.  Do not remove these from the room (unless instructed.)

The Rocketfish adapter might be large or small...they both work the same.
RocketFish Large.jpg
RocketFish Small photo.jpg

We suggest you leave the Rocketfish adapter connected to the HDMI at all times and leave the cable connected to the wall.  Find a way to store the cable up off the floor when not in use to avoid damage.  Buildings are responsible for replacing lost or damaged parts.

Do I need to do anything special the first time I connect?
Yes.   The new MacBookPro teacher laptops now carry sound and video through the one HDMI connection.   The sound will go to the projector, and then to room speakers if available. The first time you connect your MacBookPro to the projector, you will need to adjust two settings on your computer:

1. First, connect the Rocketfish adapter and cable to the display port on your computer and turn on the computer.  Then turn on the projector.

2. Click on the Apple menu and choose System Preferences.     
Select Displays   Screen Shot 2014-08-15 at 4.39.06 PM.png
 - Click the middle tab-Arrangement

 - The checkbox next to Mirror Displays should be checked.

Screen Shot 2014-08-15 at 4.56.48 PM.png

To go back to System Preferences, click the Show All  button at the top.

Screen Shot 2014-08-15 at 4.39.16 PM.png3. Next (for new teacher MacBooks only), select Sound   

Screen Shot 2014-08-15 at 4.57.53 PM.png

 - Click on the Output tab
 - Select Epson ________  (the name varies by model)

Close the System Preferences

How do I adjust the volume?
When you are connected via HDMI, volume is controlled by the soundfield system (not your computer).   It will be either the third or fourth knob on the soundfield receiver.  Volume can also be adjusted through the projector volume (on the remote control.)
Do I need the Remote Control?

 - Use the "Power" button on remote to turn the projector on and off.

 - Use the "Source Search" button on the remote to help the projector "see" the laptop connection.
 - Use the “A/V Mute” button to temporarily block the image.  It works like a mute button, but instead of sound it “mutes” the picture...making the screen go black.  This can be helpful if you need to adjust your computer while it is connected to the projector but you don’t wish to display what you are doing.  

Just don’t forget that you have it muted…. and leave it on all night.
(Bad for the bulb.)                            


No picture?  
- Push the “Source Search” button on your remote control.
- Check your mirroring settings.
- Check your connections at the wall and the computer.
- Borrow a neighbor’s Rocketfish (with permission). Does it work?
- Put in a ticket to HelpDesk; let us know what you discover.

Poor quality picture?
    - Do the Rocketfish test with a neighbor’s adapter. (see above.)
    - Put in a ticket to HelpDesk; let us know what you discover.

No sound?
    -  Did you choose the "Epson" option in the System Preference: Sound? (see above)
    - Are you using a NEW teacher MacBookPro?  Older computers need to have separate sound cable attached to the headphone jack.
    - Is the volume adjusted on the soundfield?
    - Try switching the control panel back to Built-in speakers, then select the Epson again. 
    - Using the remote control for the projector, check the Volume level on the projector.  It should be turned up.

 And, of course, if you are stuck, please contact the HelpDesk (994-5040) for assistance.