How can I use illuminate to inform my instruction now?
- Learn more about the strengths and areas of improvement for each student:
- Look at the student profile for each student in the class
- Review scores for my students using favorite report:
- Run the NWEA Class summary report
- Run the MSTEP performance summary report
- Run the PSAT or SAT reports
- Use illuminate for simple formative assessment
- Create an on the fly assessment for instant feedback or exit ticket
- Use the pre-built skills assessments for a baseline.
- PreTest
- Performance Task
- Letter recognition
- Letter sounds
- Create or use a district a pre-assessment for tracking student progress on Student Learning Objectives.
illuminate Overview Training through EduPathsEntering Mathematics Benchmarks
Entering Reading & Writing Benchmarks
Reviewing SAT data in illuminate Ed
Reviewing MSTEP data in illuminate Ed
Importing scores from illuminate Ed into PowerTeacher Gradebook
Reviewing NWEA data in illuminate Ed
AAPS Introduction to Illuminate Assessments
How to use Summary Assessment
Scanning Instructions
Rostering Students to Take a Test Online in Illuminate
Creating Student Groups
How can I learn more about illuminate Ed?
Create an EduPath account and sign up for the Illuminate Ed series -
How do I see individual student profile?
How do I run a favorite report?
- Click View Favorites
- Click on report to run
- Complete the fields
- Click view in browser
How do I create an on the fly assessment?
How is a prebuilt skills assessment administered?
How do I scan in results for a pre assessment?
How will students login to take a digital assessment?
Students will login with their network username and password to log into the portal.
Rostering Students to Take a Test Online in Illuminate
Rostering Students to Take a Test Online in Illuminate
How do I create a summary assessment (use for rubrics)? to change the students you are viewing on a report
- Click Control Panel
- Select the date you would like the data as of and click Save.
- OR
- Click Control Panel
- Click Change
- Select the Classes you would like data for and click Set Custom Filters.
- Open the assessment
- Choose Student Responses from the Responses Menu