Friday, February 13, 2015

PowerTeacher Gradebook Update

PowerTeacher Gradebook Update 

Users impacted: All Powerschool Users during the update and Teachers​ utilizing Power Teacher Gradebook​. Teachers will need to install the grade book as an app on their laptop.
Minor Version Update to PowerSchool v 7.11 and PowerTeacher v 2.8

The great news is that the new Gradebook version includes a new way to launch the Gradebook that protects against Java updates.

​Directions: ​When you log into PowerTeacher next week, you will see a new option for the Gradebook launch. You will want to use the Installer link and follow the steps provided. Here is a link to a short YouTube video showing you the installation process:

NOTE: If you have a shortcut on the Dock or Desktop for the previous version of the 'alternate' Gradebook, be sure to trash that shortcut and make a new one to match the updated app.