PowerTeacher Gradebook Update
Users impacted: All Powerschool Users during the update and Teachers utilizing Power Teacher Gradebook. Teachers will need to install the grade book as an app on their laptop.
Minor Version Update to PowerSchool v 7.11 and PowerTeacher v 2.8
The great news is that the new Gradebook version includes a new way to launch the Gradebook that protects against Java updates.
Directions: When you log into PowerTeacher next week, you will see a new option for the Gradebook launch. You will want to use the Installer link and follow the steps provided. Here is a link to a short YouTube video showing you the installation process:
NOTE: If you have a shortcut on the Dock or Desktop for the previous version of the 'alternate' Gradebook, be sure to trash that shortcut and make a new one to match the updated app.