Monday, October 10, 2016

How can I use illuminate to inform my instruction now?

Learn more about the strengths and areas of improvement for each student:Look at the student profile for each student in the class
    • Review scores for my students using favorite report:
      • Run the NWEA Class summary report
      • Run the MSTEP performance summary report
      • Run the PSAT or SAT reports

Use illuminate for simple formative assessment

    • Create an on the fly assessment for instant feedback or exit ticket
    • Use the pre-built skills assessments for a baseline.
      • PreTest
      • Performance Task
      • Letter recognition
      • Letter sounds
    • Create or use a district a pre-assessment for tracking student progress on Student Learning Objectives.

How can I learn more about illuminate Ed?

Create an EduPath account and sign up for the Illuminate Ed series -

How do I see individual student profile?

How do I run a favorite report?
  1. Click View Favorites
  2. Click on report to run
  3. Complete the fields
  4. Click view in browser

How do I create an on the fly assessment?

How is a prebuilt skills assessment administered?

How do I scan in results for a pre assessment?

How will students login to take a digital assessment?
Students will access illuminate using
Students will login with their network username and password to log into the portal.

How do I create a summary assessment (use for rubrics)?