Tuesday, September 25, 2018

How do students login?

How do students login to:

For information on student access and the default logins for the following programs: illuminateED, Moodle, Google Apps, Powerschool, RI, Destiny, Read180, Holt McDougal Online, Clever, Discovery Ed Streaming, Raz-Kids, Khan Academy, Code.org, Naviance, Typing Club, Dreambox, Lexia, and ConnectEd please use this link How do Students login to...  This document is for internal use only and should not be shared with anyone outside of the district.  

Where can I find the students default Credentials?

In order to share this new password with your students, you will want to access the 'DST Class List with Student Logins' report in PowerTeacher.

  1. Login to PowerTeacher
  2. Click reports
  3. Select the following report from List: DST Class List with Student Logins
*Using the 'printer icon' allows you to print just the students from that class*